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June Taylor

 The enemy is making a lot of “noise” these days, doing all he can to cause fear and panic on the earth and to thwart God’s Kingdom. And yes, around the world people’s foundations are being challenged and shaken. BUT – In spite of the adversary’s best schemes, the KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS OUR GOD reigns!

As believers, we know that our God is on the throne, and His Kingdom rules over all. He is still in control. And His invitation remains to “Enter His rest”, “to fear not”, “to be still”, “to trust”. And it seems we have been given an opportune season to draw close and re-assess; and to make sure that God alone is our great confidence.

Psalm 91 is our “go to” word for the hour. Will we choose to believe and live by every word that proceeds from His mouth? Will we put absolute confidence and trust in the Rock of our Salvation, and in the covenant established with mankind in Jesus’ blood? Do we know that Jesus’ words are still alive and full of power to perform; and they have never fallen to the ground unproductive? We must be fully convinced if we would be convincing and be able to implement what we believe! Jesus said to Martha, “Didn’t I tell you that if you will believe in me, you will see God unveil his power – see his glory?”

This is the decade of the mouth. God’s Kingdom is a kingdom of words from the beginning of creation. The Holy Spirit and our spirits communicate on earth through words. If we have eaten God’s words, they have become substance and life in our innermost beings. His words in our mouths, when read and spoken, still quicken, transform, deliver, impart, and create. He watches over His word to perform it. Jesus instructed us to speak to our mountains, to command, to declare, to pray, to prophesy, to decree.

We are in a period of fine-tuning of our specific callings. We are being prepared individually for our part in this end-time harvest. Thus, our mandate to know and believe our God; to have absolute confidence in Jesus our Rock, and in His finished work – our complete redemption. He governs on earth through His body whom He has made to be kings and priests unto God.

We must know and accept that we have been called and chosen for this time. God planned and designed us before He breathed us into our mothers’ wombs. He wrote a book about each of our lives in heaven. And He assigned angels who heed His word and help us to stay on track. He sent “another Savior just like Himself, His own Spirit” to live inside us. By His divine power He has already deposited in us everything we could ever need for life and godliness (II Peter 1:3-4). He called us personally into His glory and goodness; and He gave us magnificent promises by which power we can experience partnership with the divine nature! (2 Peter 1:4)

Let us believe God unquestionably. Let us be diligent to enter His rest. Let us place total confidence in the power and surety of His Word. Let us dwell in the Secret Place under the shadow of the Most High, living be every word from His mouth.

“Hath He said, and will He not do it? Or hath He spoken will He not make it good?” Numbers 23:19

He is coming quickly – the Aleph and the Tav, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the Completion – The One called Faithful and True!

Published inWords by William

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