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Month: March 2025

The Value of Pure Worship

Wade E Taylor

True worship is born of and directed by the Holy Spirit.  When a group of committed Christians, who have never been together in a Gospel gathering, worship the Lord in a flow of  beautiful harmony that lifts those who are worshipping into the presence of the heavenly worshippers, a casual observer might think they had been meeting together for years.

This flow of worship is not the result of any learned ability, but rather, it is due to their response to the presence of the Lord, and the resultant lifting power of the Holy Spirit as they lift their voices in an expression of pure adoration for the Lord.

Pure worship produces the unity that releases the Holy Spirit to impart the enabling power to lift corporate worship into a flow of harmonious expression – the heavens open and the presence of the Lord is released upon the gathering.  Also, worship hinders the functioning of demons and principalities and aids deliverance, where and when needed.