Nancy Taylor Tate
In his article “Waiting for the Lord” Wade Taylor begins by writing, “Deep calls to deep…” Psalm 42:7. I know many of you can relate to that! The deep in the heart of God, longing for our fellowship. The deep cry in our hearts for more of the Lord!
Going back years ago, as a ministry we would always start the new year with a week of prayer. Some of you may remember that! Or have a similar tradition! How special those times were! Though I am not in that same setting today, I still like to begin each year with a dedicated season of prayer, whether we are alone or having a gathering.
“Parousia” is a compound, New Testament Greek word that relates to the Second Coming of Christ; this word also relates to the “Presencing” of the Lord, in which He is beginning to reveal Himself in a greater and more personal way to those who have come apart to seek Him.
“Para” means to come alongside of. “Ousia” describes what is coming – Yahweh, the great I AM! In other words, the I AM is coming to stand with and surround us, to fill the very atmosphere with His presence.
The Lord is manifesting His presence and making Himself known like this, that we might be empowered in the transitional time we are living in today, just as the early disciples were empowered in their day when, after His resurrection, the Lord presenced Himself in their midst and opened their eyes to know Him.
Our times of worship, prayer, and spending time in God’s Word, in fellowship with Him in our prayer closets as well as in corporate gatherings, are essential, and work together to prepare the way for the full outworking of God’s purposes in our lives today.
2 Thessalonians 1:10 makes it very clear that Jesus is coming back to be seen and admired in a people. As we allow the Lord to deal with our self-life, more and more of Jesus is seen in us, that we might increasingly become “a witness” unto Him, wherever we might be.
Time in our prayer closets is foundational in our walk with the Lord. In Isaiah 40:31, the Lord promises that as we wait on Him, He will “renew” or “exchange” our strength, that we might “mount up with wings as eagles,” living victoriously in this life.
May refreshing and renewal be yours as we ever press forward, spending time waiting on the Lord, resting in His presence.