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Times of Fellowship

Nancy Taylor Tate

August 24th is my dad’s birthday! I can still see his smile…how I miss those times we had together.

One thing my dad often did was spend time waiting on the Lord. He had a “prayer chair” that I still have today, and love to sit in. I would peek in, and if I saw he was having quiet time, I would tiptoe away so as not to disturb him. Even riding in the car, I could tell when he was fellowshipping with the Lord, or just resting. How I loved that overflow of the Lord’s presence! Of just being there with him.

As a forerunner, truths my dad spoke bring a relevant word for today and also move beyond the present day into the day still before us.

One of my favorite teachings of his is “Maintaining Our Spirituality,” because I believe it is key to all else. How important our times of fellowship with the Lord are! How important it is that we set aside quality times to be with Him.

I pray this teaching, as well as other teachings on our website, will be a source of spiritual edification and impartation to you, as you consider the words shared and allow them to be worked into your life experience.