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The Spirit of Truth

Nancy Taylor Tate

There is so much controversy in the world today. Who do we believe? What is true? One current example: There are those seeking to get the vaccine, and there are those who are avoiding it. Fear runs rampant with people unsure of who to believe or what is true. Some are so dogmatic in their viewpoints that they can’t hear anything other than what they want to believe. They are not looking for truth, but only for that which supports their point of view. Others are wondering, “What is true?”

Pilate was in a similar atmosphere when Jesus, being condemned to death, stood before him. Pilate asked, “What is truth?” (John 18:38). Surrounded by controversy and the fervor of strong, unbendable opinions, yet being warned through his wife in a dream the night before, he washed his hands of the matter, then stepped aside to watch as destiny unfolded.

Even as that which took place then was foreordained by God as His purposes continued to march forward, so today is no surprise to God. His ultimate plan is unfolding! The world, confused, searches for truth but does not find it, denying their Maker. But truth is marching forward!

We live in a confused world today, but the Word of God says that through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Spirit of truth dwells inside of us; that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. (John 14:17; John 14:6)

At the first coming of Christ, God became man, took on humility, and came as a babe born in a manger. This same Jesus is coming again, not meekly, as a babe or a lamb, but as a lion as He establishes His kingdom.

Meanwhile, during this transitional time that we are in – the end of the church age, the beginning of the kingdom age – how are we to live? How are we to conduct ourselves?

Fear is not our ruler, but God is. Truth dwells inside us and bears witness to truth as we keep our focus on the Lord Jesus Christ and allow Him to guide our footsteps and rule in our hearts. He guides us through His Word and leads us with His peace (Psalm 119:105; Isaiah 55:12).

A question we can ask ourselves: Do I spend more time watching television, or in prayer, worship, and God’s Word? What is ruling in my life? Fear, that the media is projecting? Or the Word of God? Where do my faith and hope lie? In what the news says? Or in what God’s Word says?

God’s Word says there will be gross darkness on the earth (Isaiah 60:2). We can all agree about that! But in that darkness, there is a light to shine. We are that light, vessels through whom God’s love, peace, and joy can shine, bringing hope to others.

This year, as we celebrate Christmas then prepare to enter into the new year, let’s remember The Truth, the One who is truth! May we make ourselves available to Him, that He might shine through us in greater ways in the days ahead. May we stand strong for that which is of eternal value and not get distracted by temporal things.

Thank You, Lord, for Your Word, for the Spirit of truth that dwells inside of us. Thank You for Your peace that leads and guides us as we spend quality time with You. Let us walk worthy of Your call on our lives, as witnesses unto You in every circumstance, always (Acts 1:8). May Your light shine into the darkness through our lives, that others might come to know You too, as their Lord and Savior. Help us to live from an eternal perspective! To be pleasing to You and to make a difference in the lives of others.