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The Mystery of the Bride Made Ready

by Seeley Kinne

End-time truth concerning the coming of Jesus Christ must “experientially” relate to us.  That is, if we fail to enter into and experience the preparations the Lord has revealed, we will not be ready, and the door of entrance into the Bride Company will not open to us.

“Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.”  Revelation 19:7 NAS

The dispensations of divine ordering have been of increasing richness.  The blessings of each exceed those of the previous one; so also of the two comings of Jesus.  The first was a spiritual reformation, but the second is both spiritual and governmental – touching man everywhere.  In the first coming of Jesus, the Spirit was given to us as an earnest; but in His second coming, the Holy Spirit comes into full possession.  The highest privileges ever offered to man are now being held out to him.

“He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”  Revelation 3:22

It should therefore be easily seen that those things we experience as preparation for such end-time privileges are the most severe and exacting ever required.  This time of preparation will be a fiery trial through which few will be able to pass, or bear up in.

“But who may abide the day of His coming? and who shall stand when He appears? for He is like a refiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap.”  Malachi 3:2

Signs are everywhere; in storms and extremes, confusion and unrest of nations.  Crime and wickedness are rampant.  It is now time to awake out of sleep, for now is our final full-salvation nearer than when we believed.

If we cling to our old ways and habits, we will miss the new things that the Lord is about to launch.  We will, when it is too late, discover ourselves left behind in the procession of religious form, instead of the Marriage Procession.

We think the crucifixion of Jesus was a great sin, which we would not have shared had we been there.  Yet, do we understand His present plans of operation?  Are we prepared to cooperate with Him, or are we satisfied to tell Him what we think He should do?

For example, all past revivals were seized upon by man, brought under his control, and came to an end.  We now live in a graveyard of revival skeletons.

Are you trying to start one, on old lines?  Do you realize that the Lord’s plan for revival has been changed?  Have you the insight to keep in step with Jesus?

Let us repent of our lack, and obtain our portion of end-time grace.