by Nancy Taylor Tate
“…I have shewed thee new things from this time, even hidden things, and thou didst not know them. Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.” Isaiah 48:6b, 17
Riding through the mountains of Pennsylvania, I leaned forward, intently trying to see the road. I knew I was going in the right direction, but I lacked immediate vision. My windshield wiper was going back and forth faithfully, doing its very best to help. But it just was not working anymore, the way it had in the past.
Finally, I pulled over on a somewhat familiar road, feeling quite certain I could find the help I needed there. Sure enough, there was an auto parts store—right by my favorite coffee shop, too! Within minutes, I was back on the road with a new set of windshield wipers, a nice hot drink, and a clear view of where I was going.
I could have struggled and struggled, and even made it to my destination the way things were, I am sure. But with just a little much needed change, I was able to enjoy my ride and make the trip with a lot less effort.
As I listened to my music, I sang along with the song I had been playing over and over, time and time again. How Great Is Our God! The singers put forth a passionate call, “Sing with me, how great is our God,” and my heart worshipped along with them. The presence of God flooded my car as I now drove with ease. I was on the road that I knew I was to be on, and now I also had the clarity of vision to stay on it.
Clarity of vision. How important it is that we not only sense the direction the Lord desires to take us, but that we also have the clearness of vision to follow that road He would lead us on, step by step. So many things try to cloud our view, smudging up the windshields of our lives. However, the Lord has promised us His Holy Spirit, to lead and guide us, that we might avoid the ditches of this life and stay on the path He has ordained for us.
There are times when disappointments, hardships, or other hurtful situations come our way, threatening to blur our view. As we allow the Holy Spirit to wash these away, while He also is working deep within us, our vision stays clear, so we can continue to move forward on the path before us.
Sometimes the old just does not work anymore. It is time for a change! We need a fresh word from the Lord, a fresh touch of His Spirit in our lives. Maybe we need to stop and get some advice or ministry from a friend. Maybe we need to make room for that new thing the Lord would add to our lives. Or maybe we just need to make more time for physical rest or for our personal prayer closets.
One thing is certain: The Lord who has called us, will also direct us, if we will but believe and ask. We are to move by faith in the direction we know the Lord is leading us, yet we are to stay flexible to the continued leading of His Holy Spirit.
A prayer at the foundation of this level of divine guidance is found in the Psalms.
“Cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.” Psalm 143:8
The word ‘cause’ is very strong. It speaks of the divine activity of God, beyond my own ability or understanding, working in my life. Through God’s grace we receive His enabling power, the divine strength we need day by day.
Isaiah 58 speaks of a lifestyle—humble, free from the strife of the tongue, with a heart that cares for others—which the Lord says He delights in and will bless. The Lord promises He will guide us, not occasionally, or if we get in a real jam, but continually, if we live this way.
“Then shall thy light break forth as the morning…and the LORD shall guide thee continually…and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.” Isaiah 58:8a, 11
Within the church, there is an intimacy of relationship that the Lord is calling us up into. The Lord does not want to have to drag us around like stubborn mules! His desire is for us to come into that place where our hearts are so turned toward Him that we can sense the gentle nudges of His Holy Spirit within, as we yield and learn to move with Him.
“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go:
I will guide thee with mine eye.” Psalm 32:8
As I focus on the greatness of God and come into a place of worship that is based simply on who God is, there is a presence of God that is released into my life. In that intimacy of relationship, as I learn to live in fellowship with Him, the Lord will direct me not just in former ways, but new ways, for it is a new day that we are entering, and there are new things the Lord wants to do in new ways.
“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19
There are times when we can be very determined just to make the old work. It is like that faithful windshield wiper that had served me for so long. The time came when it simply could no longer meet the need at hand. A change had to take place. I had to be willing to take the time to pull over, then, to pay the price for the new.
David prayed in the Psalms:
“Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness.” Psalm 143:10
What a confession: Thou art my God! How great is our God! He is good! He is THE Lord God, the Almighty One; but more than that, He is the Lord OUR God, the Almighty One. He is faithful to lead and guide His people.
I can pray for this level of guidance and believe for it, as I also consecrate my life to the Lord. We express our desire for the blessing of God on our lives not just through the words we speak, but through the choices we make. His blessing is available to all who would value it and sincerely desire His divine activity in their lives.
My vision? His greatness!…as I learn to follow His leading in my life, day by day.
If you would like, please pray with me:
Lord, I value Your blessing in my life. I desire to live according to Your Word, that You might bless me. Cause me, Lord, to hear Your loving kindness. I put my trust in You. Cause me to know the way I should walk. Keep my vision clear, I pray, for I lift my soul to You. I am asking for Your divine activity in my life and circumstances, beyond even my own understanding or ability to believe. Bring forth Your new! I trust You and I love You, in Jesus name, Amen.