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Taste and See

Wade E. Taylor

O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusts in Him.” Psalm 34:8

“Taste and see” speaks of our having an active relationship with our Lord, in which we relate to that which He is presently doing.  The Lord is about to demonstrate a powerful manifestation of His glory and presence throughout the earth through those who have been prepared for this event.

The young lions do lack and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.” Psalm 34:10

Our seeking the Lord has to do with our coming into a state of quietness – where human energy comes to a complete end.  As we wait, we receive the very “substance” of God in our lives – His present intention and purpose.  In order to receive this, we must become both receptive and quiet, yet with anticipation and expectancy.

The young lions roar after their prey.” Psalm 104:21a

It is not how loud we can shout, or how excited we become, but rather our coming into a place of quietness in which the very intent of our Lord can be imparted into our spirits.  We cannot enter this realm of spiritual identity with our Lord though human effort, in which we “roar” after the prey we desire.  As with these “young lions,” we also will lack and suffer hunger because our approach is wrong.

We must come and present ourselves to the Lord, and then become quiet within ourselves, acknowledging that there is nothing within us that is worthy, except that which is of Him.  As we open our heart and spirit, His life will flow into our lives.  This will develop and grow into its full manifestation, and then find its expression through our lives.

Those who hear and respond to the seeking presence of our Lord will come into full redemption and deliverance, but those who are self-satisfied and reject His wooing presence, will come into the judgements of God.  I can choose which side I am on, the “law of sin and death” or, the “law of the spirit of life.”  This is a two-edged sword which will bring a powerful cleansing to this earth, both in judgements and in blessing.

The world will see a witness in this day that is beyond anything ever seen or heard.  This will begin through a direct point of intervention.  When this intervention comes, the Lord will lift us to receive an impartation of His power and glory.

To the world, this will be tribulation; but to the saint, this will be a time of powerful visitation in which multitudes will be saved.