Nancy Taylor Tate
This morning I woke up with scriptures I have been praying singing inside me! It was just a spontaneous song of worship to the Lord, as the words of the verses became a melody in my heart. The song inside me was so loud I had to turn off my stereo! Then I began to sing the words out loud, as I worshiped the Lord. What joy was bubbling up inside me!
Some of you may know the verse below as a chorus. How I love scripture put to music! What a wonderful way for God’s word to settle in our hearts!
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
In Revelation 3:21 we are told we are to overcome, even as Jesus overcame. As the son of man, if Jesus used His deity to overcome, then I can’t overcome the same way He did. Jesus did not use His deity to overcome. Neither did He overcome using mere human strength. There was a divine enabling He received which empowered Him to fully overcome, fulfilling the will of His heavenly Father. We have a picture of this the night before His betrayal. Jesus went into the garden and prayed, and continued in prayer. As He prayed an angel came and strengthened Him (Luke 22:43).
We too have divine enablement available to us, if we will but, as Jesus did, take the time to receive it. Isaiah tells us that if we spend time in the Lord’s presence the Lord will “renew” or “exchange” our strength.
Once I understood this, I no longer tried to deal with things in my strength but took time to receive His strength. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. We can do all things in Christ Jesus! His grace (divine enablement) is truly sufficient. How we need His strength today!
A prayer:
Lord, forgive us for times when we have not come to You for Your strength or comfort. You said that as I come to You, You renew, or exchange my strength, for Your strength. That Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. I come to You now, and I will continue to come that I might receive Your strength, power and wisdom. As I hold Your words in my heart I open my heart to receive from You all that You have said in Your word…