Nancy Taylor Tate
“That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.” Philippines 3:10-11
Philippians is a small but powerful book. Even though it is only four pages in most Bibles, Paul uses a first person, personal pronoun one hundred times as he expresses his own desire for the Lord, and seeks to stir the heart of others.
Paul longed not only to know the Lord, but to be made like Him. In this passage, the Greek helps us to understand that Paul was not expressing a concern about his salvation. Rather he was hoping for an “out resurrection from among the living dead.” In other words, Paul’s desire was to be lifted up from “mere religious form” into a “living relationship” with the Lord Jesus Christ. Because of this, he determined to forget what was behind him, as he reached for that which was still before him, that he might win Christ, and be found in Him. Then he said those who are mature should have this same mindset.
There is a popular chorus that I have found myself singing as a prayer, as I have been reflecting on the scriptures in Philippians. It begins with words from Psalm 42, “as the deer panteth for the water so my soul longeth after You. You alone are my heart’s desire… .” The words go on, perhaps you know this song.
We can pray with this same desire for more of the Lord:
Lord, we want to know You. We want to know Your ways. We want to be like You. Work in our hearts from deep within, that whatever situation we find ourselves in, we might reflect Your nature and character. Forgive us Lord for settling for less. We set aside this time to spend in Your presence, that we might receive Your enabling grace. We need Your strength and Your power. You said as we seek You, we find You, that You love those who love You. Lord I set my love on You. I believe that You are here, active in my life. That Your blessing and favour rests upon me. Draw me Lord. As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after You…