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My Expectation is from the Lord

Nancy Taylor Tate

My soul, wait thou only upon God: for my expectation is from him.” Psalm 62:5

My heart continues to be stirred toward prayer, even more so since our elections than before. How we need an outpouring of God’s Spirit in our nation, flowing from the government on down!

Recalling some more recent past visitations, there was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the early 1900s, then the latter rain in the mid 1900s. After that came the charismatic renewal. Later, a move of God up in Toronto and down in Brownsville, with an emphasis on intimacy of relationship with God, as people were also encouraged to spend time lingering in His presence.

We can receive from past moves of God, and learn from them, but then God wants us to move forward into that which He would do today.  A quote from someone who was in the latter rain visitation: “A revival can be had anywhere, anytime when the conditions are met and our subsequent conditioning by God is completed.”

That spending of time in the Lord’s presence as we open our hearts to receive from Him is key in the present move of God.  From that time spent in His presence there is yet a further impartation from the Lord, as He equips and empowers a people who are willing to increasingly set aside time to be with Him that they might receive, as they also allow the Lord to work within their own hearts and lives, making themselves available to the Lord that He might move through them in the days ahead.

Spending time in the Lord’s presence with an open heart to receive was very much a part of Wade Taylor’s devotional life. One of his teachers, Walter Beuttler, encouraged students to spend time waiting on the Lord, and my dad took it seriously. That understanding changed his life and has impacted mine and many others as well.

A verse I am presently holding in my heart, as I sit in His presence is “My soul, wait thou only upon God: for my expectation is from him” Psalm 62:5. In whatever way the Lord is speaking to you, as we spend time together waiting on the Lord, let’s see what God does in the days ahead!