Nancy Taylor Tate
When we talk about our vision, we often mention “the preparation of a people for the end time purposes of the Lord.” But what is that preparation? And who are those people?
There are those today, who have come to know the Lord Jesus Christ not just as their Savior, but as their Lord. A deep, inner desire for more of the Lord has enlarged their spiritual hunger and capacity. Truths that relate to an intimacy of relationship with the Lord have taken root in their hearts and now govern their lives and choices.
Their love for the Lord, and their growing relationship with Him, have become the benchmark of their lives. Come what may, they continue to follow on to know the Lord. They understand that not everything that happens in this life is good, yet they have entered into His rest—their trust is in their God, the one who works and turns it for good. They know they love God. They are confident that they are part of “the called” or of “those who believe.” Their desire is for God’s purposes to be fulfilled today and for all eternity. (Romans 8:28; Matthew 11:28–29)
A spirit-given unveiling of Calvary has created a passion in their hearts for Him to see the travail of His soul and be satisfied. This deep desire to see the heart of God satisfied governs their choices and behaviors. Day by day, the fruit of the Spirit, or the nature of Christ, is being formed within. Now, like Paul, they can say it is no longer I, or my old nature who lives, but Christ who is living inside of me. (Isaiah 53:11; 2 Peter 1:3–4; Galatians 2:20)
What a glorious testimony! My old ways and reactions have been buried in identification with His death. Now I am rising up in the power of His resurrection and in newness of life. (1 Corinthians 15:31; Romans 6:4; 1 John 4:17)
In salvation, I have Jesus. There are many who know Jesus as their Savior. But in the Kingdom, Jesus has me! When we talk about the preparation of a people for the end time purposes of the Lord, we are talking about those who not only have the assurance of salvation and of Heaven someday, but those who are saved and then follow on to know the Lord. (Matthew 16:24)
Acts 1:8 speaks of us not “doing” witnessing, but “being” a witness in every place and situation. Under the new covenant, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we have His strength to “be” or “become” His witness. This is a process. Truth becomes no longer just judicially mine. Now experientially, I am laying hold of it. Who Christ is, is being woven into my heart through life experiences, changing who I am.
This change is progressive, from glory to glory. As we follow on to know the Lord, we are transformed by His Spirit into His image, and more and more, we reflect Him. (2 Corinthians 3:18)
Life has to grow! Now we are living in Christ! In Him we live and move and have our being. There is a freshness in our walk with the Lord. Regardless of the season—times of rain or times of sunshine—we are encountering the Lord.
Day by day, we are learning to live in His presence. We are learning to respond as He would respond, as we face life and all it brings, in the wisdom, character, and nature of God. The fruit of the Spirit is being formed in our lives as godly character is developed. (Galatians 5:22–25)
How do I face my day? A simple prayer has had a profound effect on my life as I pray it from my heart. These two words, “Draw me,” found in Song of Solomon 1:4, express the desire of my heart. Then I make a commitment, “We will run after You.”
As I pray for the Lord to draw me, body, soul, and spirit, it doesn’t matter the circumstance or situation. My desire is to come through it in a way that brings me closer to Christ and causes me to become more like Him; also, that I come through it in a way that others might see Jesus and be drawn to Him as well.
I pray for the Holy Spirit to help me, to give me strength and wisdom, that Christ might be glorified in and through my life, that when the day comes that I stand before the throne, a full measure of Christ might be found in me. (Matthew 13:18–23)
I pray that I might become joined with Him, one with Him in His purposes, the end time purposes of the Lord. Not as I might understand even, but day by day, in a way that pleases Him as I learn to live and walk in His presence.
The preparation of a people for the end time purposes of the Lord! Who are these people? It’s those who have submitted their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ, those who are allowing His inner working deep within their hearts, as they follow on to know the Lord.
It’s those who are learning to live in identification with the Lord, His heart, His thoughts, and His ways. Those who are available to the Lord, through whom He can intercede, speak, and move.
For each of us, as we face our life circumstances and continue to submit our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ and His inner working, may we be encouraged by what God is doing deep within our hearts. There are a people who the Lord is raising up for His end time glory. A people, of which we too can be apart.
“Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth” Hosea 6:3.
May our passion be to see His purposes fulfilled.