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Having a Thankful Heart

Nancy Taylor Tate

Autumn is one of my favorite seasons. The leaves are exceptionally pretty this year as they turn from shades of green to red, yellow and orange. What brilliant colors! What beauty!

One day in particular, it was very windy. As I listened to the sounds of the wind, I watched beautiful leaves twirl in the air. I knew change was coming. Warmer days were yielding to cooler weather. As the winds blew, one tree toppled right over! It could not withstand the winds of change. Its roots had not become strong.

Matthew 7:24-27 contrasts the foolish man who built his house on the sand, with the wise man who built his house on the rock. When the winds came, only the house built on the rock stood. The Lord Jesus Christ is the rock of our salvation.  He is the rock of our strength! This passage tells us who the wise man is: The wise man is the one who hears the word of the Lord, and does it.

Scripture makes it clear we are not saved by works. Yet if we have truly been born again, there should be evidence! Through faith, repentance, and choice, we now live a new life in Christ Jesus. As newborn babes, we begin to grow as we feed on the Word, spend time in fellowship with the Lord, and apply His word to our lives. We are to grow up into Him in all things. As He is, so we are to be in this earth!

Yet we are constantly challenged! The tongue, how unruly it is! Things are said that do not glorify the Lord. Things are said that do not bring life, healing, joy or peace. Words can build, or words can destroy. There is much power in the tongue.

May we consecrate our tongues to the Lord, that He might use them. And may we be careful what we allow our ears to listen to, asking the Holy Spirit for His gift of discernment.

Revelation 5:9 speaks of a new song being sung, the song of redemption, sung by a people from every kindred, tongue and nation. May we be a part of that choir! And may the Lord use us to bring others into that same unity and love we have in Christ Jesus.

Today I stopped to think, “What do I want to give thanks for this year?” I want to thank the Lord for His love for us. And I want to thank the Lord for you, my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. How wonderful to be a part of the family of God! I thank God for you, your faith, your walk with the Lord.

May the Lord bless you as together, we give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and seek His continued blessing in the years ahead.