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Parousia Ministries Gathering

“O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our maker.”
Psalms 95:6

When:  Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 10:30 AM  *RSV required!  

Where:  Mountain Gate Family Restaurant, 133 Frederick Rd., Thurmont, MD  21788        

*Please contact me if you would like to come so seating can be planned for our group!

*Please confirm at least 1 week prior – or – earlier if you can!

*Please email, text, or call to confirm, or, if you have questions:

     Email:  [email protected]   Telephone:  301 401 2221

Our Gathering

Beginning at 10:30AM there will be a time of worship and prayer with Sandy. Afterwards, Steve Porter, and his dad, fondly known as “Dad Porter”, will share what the Lord has put on their hearts. There will be time for personal prayer ministry, and fellowship with a buffet lunch.

Overnight Accommodations: 

There are convenient motels south of us, in Frederick, MD; and also north of Thurmont, going towards Emmitsburg, MD and Gettysburg, PA.

There is a Super 8 Motel in Thurmont. About 15 minutes south of Thurmont is SpringHill Suites by Marriott Frederick, which is newer, and has easy access from Rt 15. There is a Comfort Inn in Frederick on Patrick Street, and more. Please check the internet for a motel of your choice! 

Bring Your Walking Shoes!

Cunningham State Park is about 5 miles from the restaurant. There are many beautiful, shaded areas to sit by the lake. There are also walking trails; my favorite is about a thirty-minute hike through the woods to the waterfalls! If you enjoy the outdoors you may want to bring some comfortable lawn chairs or walking shoes!

We welcome you to come!

We are excited to be gathering together again! We hope you will be able to join us! Feel free to invite your friends! And please, remember to confirm that you are coming, and the number coming with you!