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Breath of God

Living Room Moments

Speaking about the breath of God, Allen focused on some key words – scripture, breath, presence, speaking, inspire, inspiration – while explaining that there are two different ways we can think of the breath of God.

One of the most common ways is seen in 2 Timothy 3:16, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God…” Most modern translations interpret this by saying all scripture is God-breathed. Because of this passage, the breath of God can be thought of as God talking, or speaking to people, through the inspiration of His Word, the Bible.

Allen continued with a second way to view God’s breath, seen in Genesis 2:7, “The LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

Here, we see God’s breath being released with the power of life in it. We can’t breathe life, not in this sense, into anything. God has that power; when He breathes, He breathes life.

Seeing that power of life emanating from His breath helps us to understand that when we’re in communion with God, He’s not always talking to us. Yet in essence He is, because we can feel Him breathing, and there is life in that breath.

Allen gave this analogy: When I am near my wife, I can hear her breathing. Her breath is bringing comfort and peace. Even though we’re not saying anything, I can feel her presence, my thoughts are on her, and there is a fellowship without words.

So it is with God. His breath brings peace and comfort. When we are at rest with Him, though we may not be in a conversational mode, we can feel God’s presence and receive peace, comfort, and joy in knowing we are with Him and He with us.

We can feel His presence even when He is not speaking, because His presence carries life. We can sense His holiness, and a peace that comes from Him. We are able to absorb His peace and become peaceful in His presence, as we contemplate being with Him.

We may focus on Him, His power, or His Word. As we do, there is a communion and fellowship, without words, that we receive from being with Him in His presence.

How important that we spend time in His Word to receive inspiration, and also take time to get quiet in His presence, that we might receive the quickening power of His life. God is breathing in the sense of talking, like we see in Timothy, and He is breathing life, as we see in Genesis, that we can absorb while we’re in His presence.

My prayer is that the Lord would breathe on us as we take time to spend in His Word and also get quiet in His presence. May we receive the quickening power of His life, and have the lingering inspiration, comfort, and peace that comes from Him.

Prayerfully yours,
Nancy & Allen Tate