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Arrayed in His Glory

Nancy Taylor Tate

We are enjoying autumn’s colors as crisp nights cause trees to become beautifully dressed in bright orange, yellow, and red leaves. Our outings are scenic as we do errands or just take a walk. How beautiful is God’s creation!

The title, “Arrayed in His Glory,” by Wade Taylor, caught my attention. How appropriate it is! In it, Wade Taylor talks about sin, then Adam’s confession, which brought forgiveness, the beginning of redemption, and a progression that would lead to the restoration of the Shekinah Glory.

He wrote, “The Lord desires to bring us beyond our salvation experience, to the place where we become His Bride. Here, we will again be covered with the “Shekinah,” which will enable us to sit with Him in His throne. This preparation – the weaving of our “Bridal Garment,” begins with the commitment of our lives to unconditional submission and obedience to His will and purpose, as we walk with Jesus.”

There are choices we must make! Yet how glorious the garment of the overcomer! Oh, to be arrayed in His glory, as His presence surrounds, covers, and fills a people. The beauty on the trees, which is short lived, doesn’t compare with the eternal beauty of the glory of the Lord that will shine through those who have made themselves ready.

There are those who have an active personal relationship with the Lord, who are seeking to go still further in their walk with Him. May we, too, be found knowing Jesus not only as Savior, but having made Him Lord of our lives, that we might be found ready in the day of His coming.