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A Heavenly Visitation

An excerpt from an article
by Tim Hill

Each evening, I look forward to my time of prayer – to a time when I feel I am connecting and communicating directly with the Lord.  For years, many of my prayers were much like anyone else, asking for the things I felt I needed in my life, and that of family, friends, coworkers, and the world.  I had spent my time asking for things from someone I did not know.

Then I began to realize a deeper need that was not so evident.  I thought that if God loved me as much as I had been taught to believe, then He also desired that I would come to personally know Him.  I made an effort to listen, to become attuned to the “voice” within.  On this particular evening I laid in bed praying, listening and trying to shut off my brain with all it’s thoughts and ramblings, until it was still, so that I might hear His voice.

I do not remember falling asleep, or a specific moment when things changed, but at some point I was caught up, feeling His presence.  I found myself in another world – a place where time did not exist, where there was nothing physical to be seen or experienced.  The only way I can describe it visually is space without stars, dark, but full of light.

Before, and all around me, were “beings” of light.  I suppose you can call them angels, but that is an elementary description of what I was seeing.  I did not have a body, and I could not see myself.  It was as if my mind was existing somewhere else.  I remember feeling like I was being held up or supported by two of these angels, but I could not see them.

There was a tremendous beautiful white light in the center of my view.  It was pure.  I do not know how I knew this, but I knew this was God.  I did not see a man in a long flowing robe, or with long hair or a beard, just pure white glorious light.  All around Him were billions even trillions of angels that extended for what seemed like millions and millions of miles.  I felt so far away, but I felt so close at the same time.  It was as if time and distance did not exist.

The angels were all light, there were no features that were recognizable, or distinguishable.  I could not see a difference between male and female, black or white, American or European – there were no differences.  They all had somewhat of a bluish indigo color in the center and other colors, even smoky, but brilliant.  I was absolutely fascinated and overwhelmed by what I was seeing.  Then I became aware of what I was feeling.

I was completely and totally saturated with love.  Every molecule of my being, or whatever you want to call it there, was permeated.  His love is so powerful it literally touches every single molecule, atom, and electron.  I realized in that moment, here on earth in this life, we are poorly equipped for the expression of this great love.  Here, we get glimpses of love, through the nice things we do, the things we say, and the tears we shed.  We can only attempt to express this through our acts and words.

In heaven (if this is where I was), love is not expressed, it simply and magnificently  just is!  I remembered Scriptures that describe God as being love.  God is love.  His love is so pure it is as if it is tangible – you can touch and see it.  I felt totally connected with Him, like being submerged in warm water, not only did I feel it’s effects on the outside of my skin, but also within.

Another remarkable thing is that I was communicating with these angels, but not with spoken words.  We did not have vocal cords, as nothing of flesh could withstand His glory.  I understood it, remembering again, that if we saw the face of God, we would die, not being able to withstand it.  There was so much warmth there.

On earth, we communicate with body, or spoken language, with writing, and with music.  But in heaven, everything is before you, there is no need to question, no need to discern or figure out something.  There are no language barriers.  Here, we receive tremendous amounts of revelation knowledge by seeing.

I now understand the importance and advice of the Scriptures to “not look upon sin” because we literally take it into our being.  Our eyes are truly the windows to our souls, and likewise with our ears.  What we choose to listen to, ends up residing in our spirit.  In heaven we truly are transparent, because we are a reflection of Him.

I remember formulating the question in my mind why all the angels were the color they were.  I received my immediate answer then, and continue to receive it to this day.  The angels were literally a reflection of the pure white light.  God taught me about the light spectrum and how you could split pure white light with a prism, to see all the colors of the rainbow.  Days later I asked for more information about what I experienced and God caused me to think about a prism, and taught me a simple principle.

God has many characteristics and it should be our goal, to line up with Him to reflect all the many colors (characteristics) of Himself.  When a prism is lined up with a ray of white light, most colors become visible.  The true nature of the light is revealed and expressed.  It is the same with God.  When we become attuned to Him, lining up with His ways, His true nature is revealed through us.

Another aspect of this experience was much more powerful than what I was seeing, or feeling – it was what I was hearing.

There was such beautiful music.  The most beautiful music I have, or ever will hear.  All these millions of angels were praising Him, in complete adoration and worship, but what was even more amazing was that this music was not being sung with their mouths, it was simply emanating from their inner most part.

In this life, we would say that it was coming from their hearts.  I was humbled by this.  The only way I could describe it so it can be comprehended, is to ask you to imagine the whole world, all of creation, every living thing, from the biggest mammal to a one cell organism, even the ocean and winds, singing in perfect, absolutely perfect harmony.

This music of heaven flowed continuously and smoothly.  There is nothing that can compare or accurately describe the sheer power of it.  The sound literally penetrated and permeated every single molecule of my body.  The music was in itself another dimension of the atmosphere.  It was as if what I was seeing with my spiritual eyes was being produced by what I was hearing – the two were so perfectly joined.

One thing that I knew without any doubt was that the music is what kept the angels lifted up.  The vibration of this sound kept them suspended and circling around Him.  They were compelled to worship and praise and it was as if they had no control of this music that emanated from their inner most part.

I remember the story of the woman that had an issue of blood in the Bible, and how she struggled to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment.  He spoke about how “virtue” went out of Him.  Being in the Lord’s presence like this, you lose control and this music/worship begins to flow from deep within, to Him.

If the angels were to ever stop praising, and just one had the beginnings of a thought to praise Him and sing, all the other millions and millions would instantly join in.  Even thoughts are visible in heaven.

I think about the evenings when I sat on our back porch while growing up, and listened to the crickets and frogs, sometimes even the whippoorwills.  If one started to sing, they all did – like a mighty chorus instantly turned on by the voice of just one.  I am amazed even to this day, at the evidence that surrounds us, which speaks of God.

We are approaching a time when we will experience exactly what I have tried to describe.  Ultimately it will be an outward flowing of what resides within our hearts, the very essence of who we are.

“Then I looked and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice: Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!

“And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying: Blessing and honor and glory and power, be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb forever and ever!”  Revelation 5:11-13 NKJ Version