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The Love of Truth

Nancy Taylor Tate

“I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches. I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways. I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word.” Psalms 119:14-16

A friend called the other day to remind me of a verse my dad always had them, as students pray out of. She was referring to 2 Thessalonians 2:10, which speaks of those who were deceived because they did not have “the love of the truth” in them. Because of his influence she has continued most of her adult life to pray for “the love of truth” to be inside her.

As we focus on Jesus and embrace God’s word we are loving the truth! Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the light. The only way we can come to the Father is by Him. We must embrace Him, and the words He has spoken as lovers of truth if we want grow in our relationship with the Lord.

I have found as I not only read His word, but also pray His word it settles in my heart.  At times, I know a scripture not because I tried to memorize it but because I have spent time praying into it. Or maybe even singing it!

The Holy Spirit brings to memory those things which the Holy Spirit has spoken, but they have to be inside us to remember!  As lovers of truth, as we hold God’s word in our hearts, the right word will come to mind at the right time, right when we need it!

May we be lovers of truth!  May the Lord so work in our lives that whatever situation we find ourselves in, His word governs our actions and our attitudes.  May our love for quality times in His word and quality times apart with Him grow in our hearts, that truth might reside deeply in us.