Nancy Taylor Tate
Many scriptures focus on our understanding of the Lord, and relate to our own spiritual hunger, personal relationship, and commitment to Him. I love to hold scripture in my heart as I sit in the Lord’s presence. As I consider God’s word it stirs a hunger in me for the Lord and all He has said. Jesus said that the words He speaks are spirit and life (John 6:63). We can believe for an impartation of that life, of His very presence to burn deep within us as we are holding His word in our hearts.
The key to our walk with the Lord is found in John 15:4. “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.”
Abiding in Christ! Learning to practice His presence every moment of every day. Becoming disciplined, in setting apart quality times to be with Him, that there might come a deeper impartation of His spirit into our lives.
In Christ Jesus is all the truth and strength that we will ever need. All the treasures are hid in Him. It is in Him we live and move and have our being. Our life is to be hid in Him, that it might be Jesus that is seen and glorified.
This is the grace that God is pouring out today, for all who will come to receive it! What a glorious calling! And what enabling grace and power God is giving that we might “be” or “become” a testimony unto Him, where ever we might be! That strength is available to each one of us, as we learn to abide in Him, and draw from His abiding presence in us.
Years ago there was an “area” I wanted to change in. I tried and tried but always failed. Then through Hattie Hammond and her love for Jesus, my heart was sparked with love for Jesus like never before. I began to worship the Lord from deep within as I prayed for that same love relationship with the Lord that I saw in her life. I began to spend more time in His presence, allowing the truth of His word to sink deep into my heart. One day, much to my surprise I realized that “area” was no longer a problem for me! It had been displaced by love for Jesus. His strength had come inside me enabling me to make the choices I had wanted to make, but never could in my own strength. I was changed! I had become an overcomer without hardly even knowing it was happening!
This is the beautiful relationship the Lord is calling us up into as believers today. We can pray prayers of consecration, inviting the Lord to work deep within our hearts, that Jesus might be seen in greater way through our lives. We can express a desire for a deeper relationship with Him; as we make time available to spend in His presence not out of duty, but out of love for the Lord.
A prayer:
Lord, as we hold Your word in our hearts I ask for an impartation of Your very presence, Your spirit and Your life into our hearts. Teach me to abide in You. I want Your fullness. Cause me to understand what it means to have You abiding in my heart. May I yield to You, that You might be seen in greater ways. Teach me, Lord, to abide in You…