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Staying Under the Cloud

Nancy Taylor Tate

While facing some various situations, I have been keenly aware of some basic principles which may encourage you as well. Let me say it like this: The first chapter of Genesis is so much more than the glorious account of creation. It is about God Himself! God is mentioned thirty-two times in just this one chapter. It begins with the words “in the beginning God.” Then we see “the spirit of God move” as we also see God “speak” creative, powerful, authoritative words. It is all about God!

God has always been faithful to meet me in every situation. Yet there have been times when I have done things of my own accord. God has at times blessed it, or maybe even brought a correction. But it was something I was doing and asking Him to bless, hoping He would.

How different it is when something begins at His initiative, or if we have prayed, then waited for a word from Him! How much more confidence we can have as we walk it out, knowing this began in God, thus as we simply continue to follow Him, we will come to His intended end.

In Numbers 9 the children of Israel were trained by commandment to be sensitive and responsive to the presence of God. To move when He moved. To wait when He waited. It did not matter if it was a long time or a short time—they were to stay under the cloud of His presence.

A verse that I have often prayed into: “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” Hebrews 11:6

Faith is the substance, or that which undergirds what we hope for, until it comes into material manifestation. Waiting is often involved, during which time our faith pleases the Lord.

Yet when decisions come or there are choices to make, do we wait for God? Do we really believe that “God is?” That He is present and active in our lives? That He speaks and moves? That He rewards those who seek after Him?

Or do we at times think nothing will ever happen unless we get out there and make it happen ourselves?

The Lord told Walter Beuttler once, “You go, you pay. If I send you, I’ll pay.” How often have we gotten ourselves into situations of our own making, rather than waiting for God’s initiative, guidance and provision?

How patient God is as we are willing to enroll, then learn in the school of His Spirit. The Lord is raising up a people today who are sensitive and responsive to His presence. How important it is that we come into this level of guidance, not only for our own safety, but that there might be a fruitfulness to the things we do.

May we come into a place of listening faith, sensing His moving and hearing His voice, then stay in step with Him, not lagging behind or running ahead. May we learn to abide in that place of oneness with Him, as we experientially come to know His moving and speaking.

May we enter into that place of His rest as we learn to wait, then follow His divine initiative.

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

There is a place of oneness with Him, that the Lord is calling us up into. It is a place of His approbation, of intimacy of relationship with Him.

“Come my beloved let us go forth into the field…there will I give thee my loves.” Song of Solomon 7:11-12

Notice both verses start with the word “come.” That is the key! I can think of no greater thing to have today, than the favor of God resting on our lives.

As we learn to stay under the cloud of His presence, may we move when He moves, and wait when He waits. How I love the cryptic picture found in Ezekiel 1, of that happening corporately.  This type of corporate function is what caused the walls of Jericho to fall. (Joshua 6:10, 20) We will see victories of that magnitude and greater today, as we learn to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, first individually, then corporately.

May the Lord bless you today with a deeper revelation of who God is, His ways, and an understanding of His workings in your life. May you see Him in your circumstances and come into alignment with His purposes. May God bless you today as never before!